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Bacteria have been a menace since times immemorial and they continue to remain so.We offer means to pick them and kill them quickly including multi-drug resistant bugs.

1 Gram Stain smear examination Gram stain & Microscopy Any specimen 24 hrs ₹ 220
2 Smear examination for Neisseria spp. Gram stain & Microscopy Urethral Discharge 24 hrs ₹ 300
3 Smear examination for Bacterial vaginosis Gram stain & Microscopy Vaginal Discharge 24 hrs ₹ 500
4 Smear examination for Nocardia Stain & Microscopy Any specimen 24 hrs ₹ 500
5 Opportunistic infection panel Stain & Microscopy Stool 24 hrs ₹ 500
6 Isospora detection Stain & Microscopy Stool 24 hrs ₹ 500
7 Cyclospora detection Stain & Microscopy Stool 24 hrs ₹ 500
8 Cryptosporidium detection Stain & Microscopy Stool 24 hrs ₹ 500
9 Microsporidium detection Stain & Microscopy Stool 24 hrs ₹ 500
10 Pneumocystis carnii detection Stain & Microscopy Sputum, BAL 24 hrs ₹ 2000
11 Culture and susceptibility - Aerobic bacteria, Urine Culture & DST, BACTEC - VITEK Urine 48 hrs ₹ 900
12 Culture and susceptibility - Aerobic bacteria, Stool Culture & DST, BACTEC - VITEK Stool 48 hrs ₹ 900
13 Culture and susceptibility - Aerobic bacteria, Sputum Culture & DST, BACTEC - VITEK Sputum, respiratory samples 48 hrs ₹ 900
14 Culture and susceptibility - Aerobic bacteria, Body fluids Culture & DST, BACTEC - VITEK Body fluids, CSF etc 48 hrs ₹ 900
15 Culture and susceptibility - Aerobic bacteria, Pus Culture & DST, BACTEC - VITEK Pus, tissues, wound swabs 48 hrs ₹ 900
16 Culture and susceptibility - Aerobic bacteria, Catheters Culture & DST, BACTEC - VITEK Catheters (CVP, Endotracheal) 48 hrs ₹ 900
17 Culture and susceptibility - Aerobic bacteria, Vaginal swabs Culture & DST, BACTEC - VITEK Vaginal Swabs 48 hrs ₹ 900
18 Culture and susceptibility - Aerobic bacteria, Others Culture & DST, BACTEC - VITEK Others 48 hrs ₹ 900
19 Blood Culture and susceptibility - Bacterial paired (Adult) Automated BACTEC 9120 & VITEK Blood 48 hrs ₹ 1200
20 Blood Culture and susceptibility - Bacterial paired (Paediatric) Automated BACTEC 9120 & VITEK Blood 48 hrs ₹ 1200
21 Blood Culture and susceptibility - Aerobic bacteria (Adult) Automated BACTEC 9120 & VITEK Blood 48 hrs ₹ 1100
22 Blood Culture and susceptibility - Aerobic bacteria (Paediatric) Automated BACTEC 9120 & VITEK Blood 48 hrs ₹ 1100
23 MRSA Screening (Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus) Culture & DST, BACTEC - VITEK Nasal, Axillary swab 48 hrs ₹ 900
24 VRE Screening (Vancomycin resistant enterococcus) Culture & DST, BACTEC - VITEK Perianal swab 48 hrs ₹ 900
25 Culture and Identification, Diphtheria Culture and Identification, Diphtheria Throat swab 48 hrs ₹ 900
26 Culture and Identification, Neisseria gonorrhoea Culture & DST, BACTEC - VITEK Vaginal/ Urethral Discharge 48 hrs ₹ 900
27 Blood Culture and Identification, Anaerobic Automated BACTEC 9120 & Vitek 2 Compact Blood 48 hrs ₹ 1200
28 Culture and Identification, Anaerobic Culture & ID, Vitek 2 Compact Any specimen 48 hrs ₹ 1100
29 Culture and Identification, Actinomycetes Culture & ID, Vitek 2 Compact Sputum/ Tissue 48 hrs ₹ 700
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